Refrigerated Centrifuge- Greater Performance at Minimal Costs

Refrigerated Centrifuge- Greater Performance at Minimal Costs

Centrifugation is one of the most important methods of sample preparation. It has been widely adopted and is considered the most efficient way to separate sample components with different densities. A wide variety of centrifuges are available for laboratories. They differ in size, form factor, characteristics and additional accessories. Choosing the right laboratory incubators centrifuge for your lab can be a daunting task.

  1. Applications and Protocols:

The single most important factor to consider is the applications and laboratory protocols your centrifuge is intended to support. Low-speed centrifuges are sufficient to separate larger particles such as cells, bacteria, and nuclei. High-speed centrifuges are able to separate organoids and membrane fractions. Individual ribosomes and polysomes and macromolecules laboratory incubators can be used in ultracentrifuges. Although ultracentrifuges can be used for cell separation, they are not usually used for cell separation.

laboratory incubators

  1. Sample volume and throughput:

Laboratory protocols generally require a minimum sample volume to collect sufficient sample fractions for subsequent analysis. At other times, you may need to process more samples at once to maintain high efficiency. In any case, the size and form factor of the centrifuge become important factors to think about. A general-purpose benchtop centrifuge is sufficient for a clinical laboratory, but will not be sufficient for a biobanking center.

  1. Specimen Container:

Biological specimens can be collected or processed in containers in a variety of formats. The sample holder of your centrifuge rotor should be large enough to accommodate your container and allow the sample containers to fit snugly in the holder.

Understanding your requirements and limitations is the first step to finding the right laboratory incubators for your lab. With this knowledge, you should have a good idea of ​​what you need. A good salesperson should be knowledgeable and give you good advice, not talk you into buying something you don’t need. Centrifugation is a mature technology. When chosen correctly, a good centrifuge should last you many years.