What’s The Best Time to Go to Yoga School?

Most people these days work full time day jobs that require them to get in to work at nine in the morning and they likely won’t be able to head back home until at least five or sometimes six in the evening. This raises an interesting question, namely that of when exactly you are supposed to go and do yoga to stay fit. It can be easy to assume that post-work yoga sessions are the best options since you’d need a bit of stress buster after work, but suffice it to say that this is not actually the best time to do yoga without a shadow of a doubt.

If you were to take a look at the ancient tomes that discuss the invention of yoga thousands of years ago, you might notice them talking about how useful it is to do yoga while the sun is rising. As a result of the fact that this is the case, attending sunrise classes at Marianne Wells Yoga School might just improve your results several times over. The main advantage of doing yoga when the sun is still coming up is that it allows you to harness the powerful rays of our central star and use it to activate all of your chakras.

There is a lot of energy that gets released as the sun begins to rise, and most of this energy ends up getting wasted. By doing yoga, you can instill a sense of great calm within yourself not to mention avail the widespread energy that no one really utilizes despite its benefits. Doing the Sun Salutation series of yoga poses is ideal during this period.